Salaat Timings
Monday February 24th
Imsak | 5:54 AM |
Fajr | 5:59 AM |
Sunrise | 7:32 AM |
Dhuhr | 12:47 PM |
Sunset | 6:00 PM |
Maghrib | 6:18 PM |
Note: These timings are a general guideline, please use precaution and check your local timings.
View Monthly TimingsIslamic Calendar
Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
0 events,
281 event,
297:00 PM: Thursday Program
7:00 PM: Thursday Program
7:00 Salaat, Surah Yaseen, Dua Kumayl, lecture by Sheikh Nabil Awan, Ziaraat Waritha
2 events,
Shabaan 19:00 PM: Boys’ Games’ Night
9:00 PM: Boys’ Games’ Night
A weekly games night for the boys at ISIA aged 12-23. Feel free to bring board games, PlayStation, etc. and we can get it set up and just hang out. If you are interested in bringing snacks, kindly bring enough to share with everyone. Please be responsible for your own rides. For more information, please ...
2 events,
2Saturday, February 1: Celebrating the Wiladat of Imam Hussein (as)
Saturday, February 1: Celebrating the Wiladat of Imam Hussein (as)
5:30 PM Salaat, Quran, qasida, lecture, dinner
1 event,
3Sunday, February 2: Celebrating the Wiladat of Hadrat Abbas (as)
Sunday, February 2: Celebrating the Wiladat of Hadrat Abbas (as)
5:35 PM Salaat, Quran, qasida, lecture
1 event,
4*UPDATED SEE DESCRIPTION* Monday, February 3: Celebrating the Wiladat of Imam Sajjad (as)
*UPDATED SEE DESCRIPTION* Monday, February 3: Celebrating the Wiladat of Imam Sajjad (as)
7:00 PM Quran, qasida, lecture NOTE: NO Salaat due to extreme cold (shortened program)
0 events,
61 event,
77:00 PM: Thursday Program
7:00 PM: Thursday Program
7:00 Salaat, Surah Yaseen, Dua Kumayl, lecture by Sheikh Nabil Awan, Ziaraat Waritha
2 events,
89:00 PM: Boys’ Games’ Night
9:00 PM: Boys’ Games’ Night
A weekly games night for the boys at ISIA aged 12-23. Feel free to bring board games, PlayStation, etc. and we can get it set up and just hang out. If you are interested in bringing snacks, kindly bring enough to share with everyone. Please be responsible for your own rides. For more information, please ...
0 events,
100 events,
110 events,
120 events,
131 event,
143 events,
159:00 PM: Boys’ Games’ Night
9:00 PM: Boys’ Games’ Night
A weekly games night for the boys at ISIA aged 12-23. Feel free to bring board games, PlayStation, etc. and we can get it set up and just hang out. If you are interested in bringing snacks, kindly bring enough to share with everyone. Please be responsible for your own rides. For more information, please ...
0 events,
170 events,
180 events,
190 events,
201 event,
217:00 PM: Thursday Program
7:00 PM: Thursday Program
7:00 Salaat, Surah Yaseen, Dua Kumayl, lecture by Sheikh Nabil Awan, Ziaraat Waritha Surah Yaseen will be recited for isale thawab of marhuma Mariumbai Hasanali Dhanji, sister of Br. Mohamed Rajabali and aunt of Fayaz Rajabali and for the marhums of Rajabali, Alidina, Pirmohamed and Mucklai family, Mikhail Zimbalist, Sikander (Zahir) Sherali, Ramzan Walji and ...
2 events,
229:00 PM: Boys’ Games’ Night
9:00 PM: Boys’ Games’ Night
A weekly games night for the boys at ISIA aged 12-23. Feel free to bring board games, PlayStation, etc. and we can get it set up and just hang out. If you are interested in bringing snacks, kindly bring enough to share with everyone. Please be responsible for your own rides. For more information, please ...
0 events,
240 events,
250 events,
260 events,
270 events,
281 event,
299:00 PM: Boys’ Games’ Night
9:00 PM: Boys’ Games’ Night
A weekly games night for the boys at ISIA aged 12-23. Feel free to bring board games, PlayStation, etc. and we can get it set up and just hang out. If you are interested in bringing snacks, kindly bring enough to share with everyone. Please be responsible for your own rides. For more information, please ...
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.